\”Dont Tase me Bro!\” is the new catch phrase following Andrew Meyer\’s confrontation with John Kerry.
However, people are already pointing out he has a reputation for pranks and was said to have asked someone whether they were taping the event before things got out of hand.
Isnt the Internet a wonderful way to get attention!
From Desert Storm, where the war was filmed from very angle, to the Twin Towers on 9/11. I dont know how many angles I saw of that (Event down to the security camera footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon)
Things are so saturated with media coverage, that it is a haven for attention seekers as well.
Youtube, facebook, Google Video, Break etc are all places you can get information that a few years ago would be inaccessible.
I think Youtube is great, I have spent many a day watching videos of football and other things that take my interest at that time.
Would Mr Meyer have pulled this stunt (If that is what it was) if the access to footage would not have been so obvious?
Some people would do it anyway for the thrill of doing it, but the additional bonus of having video evidence and being shot to fame (3 million video views of his Tasing cant be wrong)
We have seen school kids in New Zealand plan beatings of other school kids, tape it and place it on Youtube as well. Dumb idea as they were easy to catch, but the movement toward instant gratification and fame is concerning.
I love the fact that this information is avaialble, but as with all cool things, some people use it for other reasons.
What do you think?